
인기 검색어

게임 개발/그래픽스

Row-Major order vs Column-Major order

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Row-Major: DirectX, Maya, PBRT 에서 사용

Column-Major: 대부분의 학술적인 곳, opengl, Vulkan, HLSL에서 사용.


왜 불편하게 굳이 Column-Major를 사용하는가? -> 속도가 약간 더 빠르다고 한다.


direct3d - HLSL mul and D3DXMATRIX order mismatch - Stack Overflow


HLSL mul and D3DXMATRIX order mismatch

I'm trying to multiply the transformation matrix in shader with vectors directly without doing unnecessary transportation. According to HLSL's mul documentation: mul(x, y) Multiplies x and y using


The HLSL language defaults to using column-major matrix order as it's slightly more efficient for multiplies.


HLSL mul() and row/column major matricies in directx - For Beginners - GameDev.net


HLSL mul() and row/column major matricies in directx

I have my WVP matrix = World * View * Projection in direct3D. If directx stores its matrices in row major style, and the hlsl mul() function can have mul(vertex, matrix) as row major style multiplication, then why must I tranpose the directx matrix before


According to a post on gamedev.net, HLSL by default expects column-major packed matrix, and not row-major. Having single column in one constant register allows to quickly calculate resulting vector component with one dot instruction. Single mul (row-vector, column-major-matrix) will be calculated as: dp4 oPos.x, v0, c0 dp4 oPos.y, v0, c1 dp4 oPos.z, v0, c2 dp4 oPos.w, v0, c3.


주의할 점!!!

DirectX에서는 Row major, HLSL에서는 기본이 Column major이다.

그런데 HLSL의 mul함수는 vector, 행렬 순으로 입력 파라미터를 받는다.

즉, 벡터표기방법은 row major를 사용함 (헷갈리게...)

마이크로소프트 공식문서에서 권장하는 방법은 SimpleMath의 행렬을 Transpose해서 HLSL쉐이더로 보내주는 것.

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